Utilise networks!
At LADEC, we certainly advise and help individual companies in our region in developing and growing their business, but we also see it very important to promote mutual networking, cooperation and joint learning and sharing of know-how among the companies in our region. All of this is effectively possible in business networks.
LADEC can offer local business networks, for example, these services:
- Joint development project or program
- Business development services (internationalization, product development, business development services, etc.)
- Joint training and coaching
- Joint fair booths and participation
- Supporting cooperation in labor matters (recruitment, mutual utilization)
- Acquisition and compilation of information on topics important to companies
- Outward communication and marketing of the network's expertise and success stories
The operation of the networks and LADEC's services to the business groups participating in the networks are always based on the needs and goals of the companies in each network.
Business networks that LADEC coordinates are:
Lahti GEM - Lahti region Green Electrification of Mobility Cluster
Lahti GEM - Lahti region Green Electrification of Mobility Cluster
Lahti GEM is a cluster promoting the development and commercialization of technologies and solutions for the green electrification of transport, with a total of about 40 actors and organizations involved - companies, research and educational institutions, and cities. The cluster was founded by LADEC in 2021.
In the development work, the focus is especially on the creation of electrification solutions for heavy-duty vehicles, special vehicles and work machines, the development and construction of alternative fuel charging and distribution infrastructure technologies and carbon-neutral energy systems. Automation and digitization and data analytics are also key areas.
To enable development and research work, the Kempower Electric Mobility Research Center (EMRC) was opened in November 2023 at the LUT University's Lahti Campus.
How can I join?
Lahti GEM's activities are open to all actors who have activities related to the electrification of transport or who are interested in building the future of emission-free transport.
Read more -> LUT University and Kempower open Electric Mobility Research Center in Lahti
Ask more - please contact:
Pekka Komu
+358 40 741 3299
The cooperation model of the Lahti GEM cluster was launched and the activities were developed in 2021-2022 in the "Liikenteen hiilineutraalin sähköistymisen ekosysteemi" (Carbon-neutral electrification ecosystem) project (Dnro 8/ For 2022, the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme also granted additional funding to LADEC's smaller "Sähköisen liikenteen mittausteknologian kehittäminen" (Development of electric traffic measurement technology) project.
At the beginning of 2023, LADEC launched the "Lahden seudun sähköisen liikenteen klusterin kansainvälistymishanke GLOBAL GEM" (Internationalization project of the Lahti region's electric transport cluster GLOBAL GEM) project.
In 2024, Lahti GEM's operations are executed in the "GEM Launcher" project (Dnro 195/, funded by the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme.
Lahti Sports Hub
Lahti Sports Hub is a network of about 50 companies and organizations, including two nationally significant sports colleges in the Lahti region.
The network gathers the region's sports expertise in business, research and product development under a common brand and operating model. Through Lahti Sports Hub, information is shared about the different dimensions of the sports sector's business and networking events are organized locally, nationally and internationally.
The goal is to develop the local sports business ecosystem and promote the role of the Lahti region as a driver of sports export and innovation in the international sports sector. The aim is to attract and generate new international business, investments, sports events and research cooperation in the Lahti region, as well as to bring the innovations of the region and Finnish sports business expertise into a common national resource.
Joining Lahti Sports Hub is free of charge.
Check out the Lahti Sports Hub network: www.lahtisportshub.fi
Ask more - please contact:
Jari Rask
+358 400 551 112
The Lahti Sports Hub ecosystem has been developed by LADEC since 2021 with the funds granted by the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme for the "Lahti Sport Business Gateway" project (Dnro 6/ and the "Lahti Sports Hub coordination" project (Dnro 107/
The network's measures are related to the implementation of the goals outlined in the innovation activity ecosystem agreement between the City of Lahti and the State of Finland related to the development of international sports business. Sports business is one of the spearheads of Päijät-Häme's smart specialization strategy.
The measures to be taken in the years 2023-2025 are made possible by the Lahti Sports Hub - International Sports Business Ecosystem project (Dnro A80038) managed by LADEC and financed by the Regional Council of Uusimaa with the ERDF funding related to the EU Sustainable Urban Development 2021-2027 - Lahti Ecosystem Agreement.

Lahti Region Maritime Cluster
The Lahti Region Maritime Cluster, founded by LADEC in 2017, includes more than 120 local companies that pursue domestic and international projects in the maritime industry. The goal is to form a unified cooperation group of the participating companies that takes into account the needs of the maritime industry and to develop the most agile cooperation model and growth path towards the cruise ship construction sector of the maritime industry.
Activities and events - benefits for companies
LADEC organizes annual maritime industry cooperation days for the companies of the cluster, where the main players in the maritime industry (such as shipyards, total and system suppliers) are looking for sub-manufacturers and partners in the Lahti region for maritime industry projects. Thanks to these maritime industry cooperation days, dozens of our cluster companies have already been able to secure significant deals in the maritime industry.
In addition, LADEC organizes joint presentations for the maritime cluster companies at trade fairs and produces and publishes marketing material presenting the companies' products and services.
How can I join?
All companies in the Lahti region interested in the marine industry can join the maritime cluster and participate in its activities.
Read more -> Lahti Region Maritime Cluster, Spring 2022
Ask more - please contact:
Ville Uimonen
+358 50 574 3222
The Merimerkit project (Dnro A80495) is a project managed by Lahti Region Development LADEC Ltd, implemented together with the University of Turku in the years 2023-2025. The project aims to strengthen and develop cooperation between companies in the large areas of Southern and Western Finland and lower the threshold for companies to apply closer and closer international operating networks of the maritime industry.
Päijät-Häme Grain Cluster
Founded in 2003, Päijät-Hämeen Viljaklusteri is a regional cooperation network of grain farmers and companies processing raw grain material and educational organizations.
The goal is to promote the networking of farmers and cluster companies, support the cooperation of grain processing companies, and raise the profile of the province's grain expertise.
In the Päijät-Häme Grain Cluster, the entire value chain is represented from grain farmers to industry and retail. The chairman of the cluster is Hanna Ylä-Mononen, CEO of Villähteen Leipä Oy.
The following companies whose products appear in consumers' everyday life in many different ways are involved in the Päijät-Häme Grain Cluster:
- Fazer Mill
- Fazer Bakeries
- Hartwall
- Hollola's Hirvi
- Kinnarin Status
- Lammin Sahti
- Pekan Bread
- Bun Boys
- I sense
- Yours
- Flirtation
- Vyborg Kotileipomo
- Villähten Bread
- Viking Malt
- Vääksyn Mylly
Also involved in the cluster's operations:
- Salpaus Further Education
- LAB University of Applied Sciences
- MTK Häme
- Osuuskauppa Hämeenmaa
- K-Citymarket Lahti Laune
Did you know this? The investments of about 165 million euros made by grain cluster companies in the years 2017–2023 will have a significant regional economic impact on the Lahti region.
Activities and events - benefits for companies
The grain cluster has been active for 20 years, and the focus of the activity has been, among other things, circular economy issues (e.g. utilization of production side streams) and promotion of recognition of the grain sector. In order to ensure the availability of skilled labor, cooperation with the Päijät-Häme education sector has recently been further intensified.
Viljaklubi, which is part of the Viljakluster, is a discussion forum representing farmers in the area, which in cooperation with the companies that process grain in the area, organizes annual e.g. topical seminars in the grain industry.
Read more -> https://viljaklusteri.fi/en/
How can I join?
You can ask LADEC's Henrik Yli-Seppälä, who is responsible for coordinating cluster cooperation about the possibilities of joining the cluster.
Ask more - please contact:
Henrik Yli-Seppälä
+358 440 263 584